Hallo! We are now in Amsterdam, NL! And it is shweet! Getting in was a bit of a bump in the road, but now that we’re here and back in the saddle, allz geode!
So we left out of the Ciampino Airport (not Fumicio main airport) on the 9th and got to see a bit more of Rome’s countryside. It was cute and picturesque…with random Roman ruins scattered in farmers’ fields. So also kind of weird.
When we got to the airport, we put our backpacks into our stowage bags (so that all the ties and cords don’t get caught during their ‘checked luggage’ journey. Jen’s stowage bag immediately ripped, so we got out of line and attempted to find some makeshift accommodation. We ended up tying off all of the MANY pull cords and such of Jen’s hiking backpack satisfactorily. We got back in line and progressed up to the counter where we were informed that since we did not print out our boarding passes, RyanAir was going to charge us 40 euro per a boarding pass to print them out for us… “Um, excuse me?” –We then asked if there was an internet café or some place with a printer in the city where we could print out our boarding pass… the counter-lady referred us to the ‘Information’ booth.
Jen had brought her flash drive, so the information guy (grudgingly) was able to print out our boarding passes which I had saved as a PDF file on our computer. (Another young couple was having the exact same problem..which they too got handled.)
Switching writers now (btw)
So we got on the plane and had a nice flight into Amsterdam…oh wait, we didn’t fly into Amsterdam we flew into Eindhoven, Holland (which according to Mallory/the internet was supposed to be only a 10 minute train ride into downtown Amsterdam…needless to say, that wasn’t quite the case.) So after spending 2 hours in the airport (once we landed) trying to find accommodations for our stay, we finally got on a bus to head to Amsterdam at 6:00pm. Here is the breakdown…20 bus ride to Eindhoven train station…then a 2 and a half hour train ride…then a 10 minute metro ride…then a 20 minute tram ride…then a 15 minute walk to the hotel. (All the times are estimates) So we finally got to the hotel about 10:30 – 11pm. That was the longest 10 minute train ride from Eindhoven ever J.
Our hotel is great considering we weren’t able to book it until day of.
More to come…we leave for Athens tonight!
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